Well, this whole section is just how Wing Studio came about. It's all really simple. You see, I wanted to make a website to showcase my artwork, and I just couldn't come up with a name that I really liked. It was at one point called Chou Cafe. But I wasn't very happy with it. Plus I named my Oekaki Patio BBS Chou Cafe, since people hang out there to draw.

I just love to show off my art, and I always like getting feed back from people. And a website is the only way that I can think about doing that. So if you could, please sign the guestbook to tell me what you think. What I need to improve on, or how I can make the website better, or just to tell me you love me or hate me. lol. All comments are welcome just as long as they have nice manners.

I draw anime a lot because I love the style of the face. The eyes convey so much in anime, and it's sometimes hard to convey it in a real style. I do like to draw real people as well, and I keep working on drawing real people. It is hard however since I have such a short attention span with my art work. But when I start a big project, you bet I will finish it. I hate to leave things undone, but sometimes I am afraid that I am going to ruin it. That's why you might notice that most of my doodles are unfinished. Just because I am scared to finish them. When I don't finish something in Anime, it's just because I lost my intrest that I had in it. For real people, just scared that I'll ruin it.

And that is always a good idea to keep with. Artist block, I am told happens when you are afraid of making mistakes before you even start to draw. You shouldn't worry how it's coming out, or how it will look in the end. You should make drawing fun, and you should learn something new from every drawing that you do. Because that way, you'll never get bored, and you will always allow yourself to learn from those little mistakes that always make it into a piece of art.