Here are questions that I normally get asked, so take a look you might find a question you've been wondering. If you don't see you question here, e-mail me and I'll answer! Also I did answer the 100 Questions for Artist.

What types of programs do you use to do you art?
Well, normally I use Adobe Photoshop 6.0. I use to use Open Canvas a lot, that is until my tablet broke, and it just doesn't handle the same way with a mouse. I did use Painter at one time, but again, the program isn't the same with a mouse.

Do you draw on the computer?
Yes and No. I like to sketch on paper, then I copy it over lightly to bristle board where I ink it carefully. When I get my tablet back I'll probably start drawing on the computer again.

What is a Tablet?
A tablet is a pen that allows you to draw on the computer as if you were to draw on normal paper. If you want more information about that check it out on Google. I would look at Wacom Tablets.

Can I use you art?
Yes you can. You can edit the picture as well if you want to use it as a layout for something or as a character picture for a rpg, or as an ava. IF you do want to do this, please e-mail and tell me that you will be using it. I would really like to see how my pictures are getting used. But you CAN NOT turn around and sell my art on items such as mugs and t-shirts. This is called stealing, and I will find out.

Do you go to Anime Conventions?
I use too. And I still try, but where I am living now, there is no con even close for me to even consider going to. I do however send my artwork to Cons to get sold at auction if they have it. I'll make a list of when my art is up for sell, and at which con.

Do you use 'How to..'books?
Of course. I can always learn more things, and they are always handy for references when you get stuck. I like the How to Draw Manga the most. And I love books by Loomis, my father had a few of the orginal Loomis books, which I use now.